Monday, April 2, 2007

Presidential Polls Showing Insight Into Democratic Rhetoric

Poll Results - Americans Starting to See Through Dem Politics
By saul anuzis Posted in Email this page » / Democrats vs America - War on Terror
A friend shared the following info:
Here are results from two polls released this evening that I can pretty much guarantee will not be reported by any mainstream media news organization:
First, from the FNC/Opinion Dynamics poll, respondents were asked:
Read on . . .
Who do you trust more to decide when US troops should leave Iraq -- US military commanders or members of Congress?
Military Commanders 59%Members of Congress 18%
The breakdown by party affiliation is most revealing:
DemocratsMilitary Commanders 52%Members of Congress 30%
RepublicansMilitary Commanders 88%Members of Congress 7%
IndependentsMilitary Commanders 69%Members of Congress 15%
In another question, respondents to the poll were asked...
Last week the U.S. House voted to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by no later than September 2008 -- Would you describe this as a correct and good decision or a dangerous and bad decision?
Correct and Good 44%Dangerous and Bad 45%
Once again, the party breakdown is quite telling:
DemocratsCorrect and Good 62%Dangerous and Bad 26%
RepublicansCorrect and Good 24%Dangerous and Bad 57%
IndependentsCorrect and Good 40%Dangerous and Bad 50%
In both of these questions, Independents overwhelmingly side with Republicans over Democrats.
Time Magazine released a poll tonight in which one of the questionsasked:
Which one of the following plans for US policy in Iraq comes closest to your own position?
Withdraw all troops from Iraq in the next 12 months or so whatever happens in Iraq 32%
Set sliding deadlines for withdrawing most US combat troops by August 31, 2008, with the withdrawal schedule depending on the Iraqi government's progress in training its forces and bringing stability to Iraq 36%
Keep US troops in Iraq as long as needed until the Iraqis can handle the situation themselves 28%
Despite the best efforts of Time to characterize those who favor the setting of a sliding deadline as distinct from those who support keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary, in effect, nearly 2/3 of the American people today (64 percent) are advocating a conditions-based withdrawal; conversely, opposing an arbitrary deadline predicated in retreat and surrender.
Tim Russert, George Stephanopolous, Bob Schieffer...prove me wrong. Feel free to express astonishment and shock as you report these poll results that run in such stark contrast to the blatantly distorted narrative you've been desperately seeking to embed in the heads of your viewers the past four years.
Here's an unrelated, thinly-veiled poll question of which I surmise Fox News haters will be less than thrilled to see the findings, especially amongst the crucial registered Independent voters:
If a political party agrees to participate in debates hosted by one television network but refuses to do debates hosted by another network, do you think it is fair to say the party is picking the network it believes is more aligned with its views and so would ask easier questions during the debate?
Yes 66%No 21%
DemocratsYes 61%No 25%
RepublicansYes 69%No 19%
IndependentsYes 72%No 14% may have won a battle in Nevada, but it probably cost them the war in seeking to discredit Fox News.

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